《平定海寇方略》 滿漢文本對勘.卷一(2)

《通典》〈邊防典〉譯注(一) 〈序〉


集會之門:十五至十七世紀張家口堡 基礎建設以及漢蒙滿資訊流通

An Annotated Translation of Chahar Géshé’s Oyirad’s Royal Genealogy (O’i rod kyi rgyal rabs)

Tibetan Buddhist Material Culture in the Qing Court and the Religious Mentalities of the Qianlong Emperors

Chen Yinke and Oriental Philology: A Reflection on the Future of Inner Asian History and Philology

Communication and Translation of Intelligence Documents between Ladakh and the Qing Court

A Review of the Debates on the Well-field System in the Western Zhou Dynasty since the 20th Century