Research Projects

  • 坤與全圖

    Mapping and Transmission of Geographical Knowledge between Qing Dynasty's Western Territories and Eurasia


  • The Reconstruction of Historical Memory and Ethnic Identity of Taiwan under the Ming Zheng regime by the Qing Empire.


  • 萬國來朝圖

    Politics and Religion in China and the Eurasian Worlds from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era


  • 絲路山水圖

    A Conference on Border-Crossing in the Ming

    Workshop-style conference to foster discussion about border-crossing over the longue duree history of late imperial China. Sponsored by James P. Geiss & Margaret Y. Hsu Foundation.

  • 覆議檔

    Reading Seminar on Chinese and Western Archives

    受明清研究推動委員會資助,每月定期組織學界同仁召開讀書會研讀檔案,並邀請研究所學生參與。2023 年中西檔案讀書會,主要召集院內、外清史學人共同研讀 2021 年底中國第一歷史檔案館新出版之《軍機處雍正朝滿文議覆檔譯編》。